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The Surprising Benefits of A Wellbeing Programme

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The Surprising Benefits of A Wellbeing Programme

Earlier this month we hosted a “Wellbeing Week” at Carrington West to mark Mental Health Awareness week.

At Carrington West we take a holistic approach to wellbeing week, encompassing physical, mental, social and financial health through a variety of initiatives, workshops and training sessions. But the work doesn’t end after a week. Whilst it’s excellent to have awareness weeks to focus on health and wellbeing, wellbeing is something we all individually as a business need to continually work on day in, day out. It’s why we put our people first, and have a comprehensive wellbeing strategy to support everyone in being their best selves.

The importance of wellbeing programmes in the workplace is increasingly recognised, not just by HR teams and business leaders, but also by employees themselves. While the obvious benefits are widely acknowledged, such as reducing stress and promoting healthy living all in a bid to decrease sick days, there are several surprising advantages that can significantly impact an organisation’s success.

Why are wellbeing programmes important?

The primary objective of workplace wellbeing programmes is to improve the overall health of employees. Reducing stress is a critical component, as high stress levels can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and increased absenteeism. By incorporating stress management workshops, mindfulness sessions, and mental health support, employers can create a more balanced and supportive environment.

Encouraging physical activity is another well-known benefit. Regular exercise is proven to improve cardiovascular health, boost the immune system, and enhance mood. By providing gym memberships, allowing flexibility of working hours for exercise, organising fitness classes, or even creating spaces for walking meetings, companies can promote a culture of physical wellness.

However, wellbeing programmes need to go beyond free fruit and a discounted gym membership, they need to support the whole employee. Most of us come to work for the pay, so financial wellbeing support also goes a long way to helping staff achieve their personal goals thus creating a happy, healthy workforce.  

Four More Surprising Benefits

A comprehensive wellbeing programme goes beyond reducing sick days, and there are several surprising benefits that can transform the workplace.

Increased Productivity

One of the most remarkable yet often overlooked benefits of wellbeing programmes is the increase in productivity. Healthier employees are generally more energetic, focused, and motivated. When individuals feel good physically and mentally, they are better equipped to handle the demands of their job. Wellbeing programmes that include nutritional advice, ergonomic assessments, and regular health check-ups can lead to a more engaged and efficient workforce. Studies have shown that companies investing in employee wellbeing see a significant rise in productivity levels, often translating into improved financial performance.

Talent Attraction and Retention

In today’s competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent is a considerable challenge. Companies that prioritise employee wellbeing stand out as desirable employers. Prospective employees are increasingly looking for organisations that value their health and provide comprehensive support systems. Wellbeing programmes demonstrate a company’s commitment to its workforce, making it an attractive place to work. Current employees are more likely to stay with a company that invests in their health and happiness, reducing turnover rates and the associated costs of recruitment and training.

Improving Morale 

Employee morale is crucial for maintaining a positive and productive work environment. Wellbeing programmes contribute significantly to boosting morale by showing employees that their employer cares about their overall health and happiness. When employees feel valued and supported, their job satisfaction increases, leading to a more positive workplace culture. Activities such as team-building exercises, wellness challenges, and social events can foster a sense of community and camaraderie among employees, enhancing their overall experience at work.

Building a Culture of Trust

Employees want to feel that their employer cares about them. Demonstrating that this is the case through a well-funded wellbeing programme that is based on what employees want or need at any given time builds trust. By prioritising wellbeing, alongside other programmes such as learning and development and engagement, companies can create an environment where employees trust they will be rewarded for their work, they will enjoy their work, and they trust they will be supported when they need it. Ultimately driving the organisation towards greater success and sustainability.

Get in contact with us to hear more.

More blogs about wellbeing at work.