5 Things I’ve Learnt from 5 Years at Carrington West
Town Planning Department Manager Kevin O’Shea is celebrating five years with Carrington West this month, so we asked him to share with us the top five things he has learnt in that time.
1. I actually enjoy reading! I hadn’t read a book since I left school until I joined Carrington West. My professional and personal development over the course of the last five years has been intensive at times, and I am able to absorb information in a variety of ways, whether it has been listening to speakers, training and mentoring from the senior team here, or watching videos on our online training platform. But we have a library in the office and I have been encouraged to read books around management, goal setting, and success. For the first time in many years I have enjoyed getting stuck into a good book.
2. It is important to set goals. My top advice to anyone of any age in any walk of life is to take time to write down your goals for the month, year, future. Goal setting is a large part of our training here, and we are encouraged to aim big and visualise these goals happening. Nine times out of ten they will become a reality. It has been life changing for me and something I now do with my family every year, from simple things like planning a holiday or the bigger things like moving house.
3. Team ethic and cohesion is the secret to work happiness. Having a good team around you is so important. It makes you enjoy your role more and want to come into work every day. It takes work to build the trust and bring your whole self to work, but when you are part of a great team not only do you all perform to the best of your ability, you have friends for life.
4. I get more done when I am organised. This may come naturally to some people, but it didn’t for me. I have learnt to plan my day, my week, my month and my quarter. By being organised I can make sure the small things I do every day are all working towards my bigger goals. And I have time to think, I don’t get stuck. Plan your day – your week – your month – your quarter. Make sure you know exactly where you want to be and what you need to do to get there along the way.
5. Curiosity didn’t kill the cat! I talk to a lot of people all day everyday as a recruiter. The more questions I ask and the more I listen, the more I learn about people and the more I can help them. I have learnt to never stop being curious and to always try new things. It is the secret to always learning and improving.
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