#VolunteerWeek - Saying thank you to volunteers at this difficult time.
June 1-7th is Volunteers' Week, an annual event that normally sets out to celebrate the volunteers in our communities and promote fund raising events. However, this year, with the global Covid-19 pandemic still affecting millions of people across the world, and many events cancelled, Volunteers' Week has a different meaning. Volunteers themselves need support as many are diverting their efforts to pandemic related causes. Therefore, this year, we are marking the week by simply extending our thanks to everyone in our community who is contributing where they can.
Anyone that follows the Carrington West social media feeds will see that our charity program is important to us and an integral part of our company culture. We have made every effort to continue our fundraising efforts during the last few weeks, but sadly many of our normal activities have not gone ahead. Outside of our company events, many of our employees volunteer their time on a regular basis. Here, we asked Carrington West Team Leader, Kent Streek, on why he volunteers his time throughout the year.
What charitable causes do you support?
Hampshire Rugby, The British Heart Foundation, Sport England
What kind of volunteer work do you do?
Coaching, general assistance
How often do you volunteer?
Every week for local sports club, as and when asked for other projects
What is your main motivation for volunteering your time?
To give something back to others and pass on my knowledge & because I believe it helps the community
How important do you think it is to get your work colleagues involved in volunteering?
It’s something that will give you satisfaction and you can see the difference it makes. If everyone could give a day a year, our local community would be in a better place
Carrington West gives all employees one day off to volunteer, what are your plans for this year?
I haven’t thought about it yet, but I would like to go back to my roots and assist with some disability sports classes again.
What would you say to a friend or colleague to encourage them to start volunteering?
Give it a go, make sure it’s something you think you would enjoy but give different things a chance. I had the privilege to work with a trampolining company that was designed to help disabled children develop their motor skills. I have never been any good at gymnastics but I was able to get up on the trampoline and learn techniques to support the group. Watching those kids develop week in week out is something I am proud to have helped with 10 years down the line.